
Host Your Own Craft Group

 Here's what you do:
1.Subscribe to our website or like us on Facebook so you can get our monthly craft projects.
2. Gather orders, email all your friends.  Download the order form to help you.
3. Email me your order.
4. Craft! Have a night or afternoon of fun with your friends!


*Free Crafts
For every 10 crafts your group orders,
you get a craft for FREE!
 *Free Shipping
For orders over $150, you get free shipping!
 {within the mountain west}


Please allow up to 7 days for your order to ship, and then plan on an additional 2-7 days for shipping.  All orders are shipped from Eagle Mountain, UT.

*note when hosting your own groups, paint and Modge Podge will not be included, I will provide the names of the paint colors I used.

FAQ's for Craft Groups:

Q: Do I have to have a craft group every month?
A:  No.  We set up the craft group program with no strings attached.  The months it works for you, great!  The months that it doesn't work for you, then that is totally fine too!
Q: Do I have to place a minimum order every month?
A: Nope!
Q:  Is there a sign up fee?
A:  Nope!
Q:  Does everyone in my group have to order the same craft?
A:  Not at all!  You could each order something completely different.

Q:  When do I get a free craft?
A:  For every 10 items that your group orders, you get a $15 credit for a craft.
Q:  What free craft will I get?
A:  For every 10 items ordered you get $15 credit towards your craft.  If the item is over $15, then a $15 discount will be applied toward the craft you pick.  You can pick anything!
Q:  How do I add my free craft to my order?
A:  You will tell me when you email me, which craft is your free item.